Tuesday 12 March 2013

Preliminary Task

This is the preliminary task that myself, Conner Mcallister and Shehnaz Ali completed which consisted of us filming two people having a conversation in a room. We had to keep in mind all of the shots we were using to use and also we had to maintain good continuity in the film. There were some issues with the task which I will address in this post.

   The first shot depicts myself (Joshua Sandford) walking down a corridor. I feel that we made this shot too long and it felt dragged out. I feel we should have just had a shorter scene showing me walking through one set of doors, which would have made the beginning flow a lot better. We could have also just followed the character with a tracking shot through the doors instead of just cutting straight to the next camera in position by the common room doors. On the 21st second we see me opening the common room doors and then walking in. I feel this was a very good match-on action which made one shot flow well into the other. This is a technique that we will take into the shooting of our main production.

    When my character walks towards Conner we discovered our first continuity issue. This happens on the 30th second when I place my legs facing right and sit down. We then cut to an over-the-shoulder shot where I am facing Conner straight on. This will confuse the viewer and looks peculiar on camera. To avoid this mistake in the future we will make sure that the actor keeps their body in the same position before we cut to a different shot.

   The next error appeared on the 47th second where we  broke the 180 degree rule. We didn't realise that we had broken the 180 degree rule until we edited our piece together. This error will leave the viewer confused about where my character is walking and make them think I am taking a different exit. To avoid this in future we would look back at the shot of me walking in and just film it from that position.

   These mistakes led us to make the decision that we would create a storyboard for our production which will serve as a reference and prevent us from making any errors.


One of our group members,Connor, unfortunately departed my group and dropped out of school and decided to remove the video off of his channel so I have re-uploaded it to my channel, but have had technical issues in uploading it on to the blog, but as you can see that I once did have it on my blog, but if you follow the link then you will find my preliminary task video.

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