Thursday 25 April 2013

2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?

The characters of my media opening scene are in the age range of 18 to 25 with Kevin's age changing as the time period goes on with each girlfriend leaving him. My opening scene represents people aged 18 to 25 as lazy. Graduates commonly around the 21 to 25 age and it is commonly stereotyped that graduates, once graduating from a university of college, they tend to laze around for about a year our two and just don't do anything proactive for a long period of time and my protagonist, Kevin reenforces the stereotype.

Kevin also represents men as not being able to understand women and being able to provide for them and the women are represented as not being understandable which is a common element of this genre and is used in many rom-coms. Like ive talked about in question 1, it will be aimed at middle class and in the beginning  of the film show ways to get across that it is middle class and through out the film there will be things to illustrate the message of middles class  My film is aimed at a target audience of young people so they will be able to relate to the characters more. Romantic comedies often cast young people and young people go to see the  film, and I have also used a young cast in my film to attract a young audience.

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