Thursday 25 April 2013

3. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

A small distribution company would be most likely distribute my opening scene of 'House Of Heartbreaks', one example of a fitting distribution company would be 'Warp Films'.

 The reason I feel this company would distribute my film is because they have a history of producing award winning films on a very low budget. An example of this would be the hit 2006 film 'This Is England'. The budget for this film was just £1 million which is not a lot for a film budget but yet it still beat 'Atonement' in the BAFTA awards that year. The new James Bond film 'Skyfall' won the same award this year and they had a very large budget. So I feel my film would be distributed by a small distribution company such as 'Warp Films'. Warp Films are known for distributing films which plot lines which can be controversially dealing with issues such as rasiam and many more things and produce original ideas for films. I feel that if I pitched our film to the company and about how it represents middle class and that is challenging the codes and conventions of rom-coms and Warp Films do this with some of the genres they specialize in so there fore i think I would have a chance with them.

Also big institutions would not like to take on such a small film like ours because it would be a risk for them if the product would not do as good as expected. Another reason why they would not take on our film is that big conglomerts  want their film to appeal to global audiences and big countries that dominate the film institution like Hollywood. I don't feel that my film would appeal to global audiences seeing as it is british and the film shows middle class through out the film and global audience such as the US are use to seeing the high class side of Britain in film such as 'Notting Hill', 'Four weddings and a funeral' and 'Wimbledon'. In the film Wimbledon the protagonist even tells you he's high class as in the script he says that one of the key things to being champion is to be hungry for it but he admits there was no hunger for him, meaning that he has been born into a rich family and doesn't really need to be champion, but others who have been born into a poor environment and have a challenge to become 'champion' and are hungry for the challenge. So in the end a big conglomerate wouldn't want to risk taking on my film because it may not appeal to global audiences and would not be a success.

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