Monday 22 April 2013

Risk Assessment of the Location

In this post I am going to be going over some of the issues which may have concerned us with the location of the shoot we filmed at, my house. The first issue which may have been a problem would have been travel, because we all live in different areas we may not have been able to get to the destination easily. Luckily we managed to get around this by all travelling to my house in the same car. The alternative to this would be to either get the bus or walk from the train station after school. Some of the other problems would have been health and safety issues. These were just the obvious ones such as being careful whilst filming in the bathroom because the floor may be wet and someone could slip and injure themselves.

     The other problem would be the stairs whilst filming because it is a tight area and the second girlfriend has to walk over the tripod and if they tripped it would have been dangerous if they had fallen down the stairs.  This was unavoidable as we couldn't get the shot we wanted any other way but because we had realised the risk in the location, everyone knew to be careful at this point in the shoot.

    Some of the other things that may have been a cause for concern are the availability of my house and disruptions that other people around the house may have caused. Fortunately my parents said it will be fine using the house and the group could film whenever and wherever we wanted. With the disruptions of other people in my house this could be a slight problem at some points of filming. For example, my brother gets home from work at around seven o'clock and he could walk up stairs to his bedroom and just accidentally walk into the frame of the shot or even just make nose as he is coming in through the front door. It wouldn't be that big of an issue but it would still take up a bit of our time with filming, so the way to get around this would to be let him know when we are filming and ask him to let us know as he is walking in so we can ask him too wait while we finish the shot or just be very quiet when walking in the house. We also have to make sure that if people are down stairs either watching TV or listening to music, that they do it quietly so when filming, its will appear that there is only two people in the house, the Kevin and the girlfriend.

    The next issue would be power points around the house. The lighting might be too dark in one of the rooms because there are not enough lights on, so we would have to plug a lamp in the under the camera to make atmosphere seem a bit brighter. We would have to note where all the plug sockets are so we can then move on to plan where the camera will be placed to take the shots around the setting of the house.

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